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Route Planner

Route Planner

Have you tried the world's best route planner? You can use Google Maps to calculate a route with multiple stops. Alternate routes will be shown so you can choose the best route for you. You can also avoid the traffic by looking at the current traffic on the map.

Find easily the best choice for your route

Calculate Distance

Driving Duration

Traffic updates

Alternative Routes

Route Finder

Free route planner United Kingdom: Find the fastest route for your trip and get to your destination in UK with the free Google Maps route planner.
Let the route planner guide you to your destination without unnecessary detours and the associated loss of time. It doesn't matter whether you are traveling by car, bike, on foot or by public transport - you will receive precise directions including the kilometers.
In addition, the free United Kingdom route planner gives you the option of calculating a route away from motorways and toll roads.

with Google Maps

Free Route Planner for UK & Europe

Calculate route & create stopovers

The route planner not only calculates a route from A to B, but also allows you to create as many stopovers as you want. Simply enter your start address and destination address and use the green plus symbol to insert one or more intermediate addresses or locations. The route planner automatically determines the kilometers between the individual destinations, an exact route description and the required travel time.

Calculate Autoroute

The free Google Maps route planner always calculates the fastest car route for you so that you get to your destination on time. You will also receive several alternative routes. This gives you the opportunity to choose a different route.

Personalize your route

Calculate your route by car, motorcycle, bike, public transport or on foot quickly and easily from the desired location. The route planner immediately provides you with several routes including the distance and journey time, taking into account the current traffic situation. The route planner shows you in detail which streets to use and where to turn. You are guaranteed not to proceed with it.

On top of that, you can personalize your route with the free route planner. Do you want to find the shortest and fastest route? Or are you an explorer and prefer to take a little detour off the highway? Would you like to avoid toll roads and add one or the other stopover? The Google Maps route planner makes it possible.

Avoid traffic jams: Route planner with live traffic reports

Nobody likes to stand in traffic jams. And so that you don't lose any time on your journey, the free route planner takes current traffic situations into account and suggests alternative routes. In this way you can optimize your journey, avoid congested roads and easily bypass traffic jams.

Free driving, walking, bicycle directions & map view

It doesn't matter which route you choose - you will receive detailed directions with information on the journey time, including the kilometer calculation. In addition to the distance calculator, you also get a detailed map view, aerial and satellite view, street maps, addresses or position finders and much more.

Precise directions: This is how traveling is fun

Save yourself driving in dead ends, standing in traffic for hours and unnecessary detours and calculate the fastest route with the Google Maps route planner. Regardless of whether it is a car route in the United Kingdom, you want to calculate a route in Germany, Italy, Switzerland or any other country - the free route planner provides you with exactly what you need: car routes with directions, kilometer calculation, Distance or distance calculator, alternative routes and a detailed map view.

Google Maps Tips and Tricks

  • Plot Multiple Locations on Google Maps
  • Access Google Maps Offline
  • Change Directions by Drag and Drop
  • Find directions right-click
  • Measure any Distance (right click)
  • Accessible Transit Routes
  • Ride Sharing Services
  • Time Travel With Google Maps
  • Street View Key Commands
  • Create Your Own Street View
  • From Maps View to Google Earth
  • Create Your Own Private Google Maps
  • Refine Searches Using "Near"
  • Traffic Reporter
  • What's the Parking Situation?
  • Remember Where you Parked
  • Tilt Your Phone to Guide Your Way
  • Share Real Time Location
  • Indoor Maps
  • Share Your Favorite Places
  • Use Voice Commands While Driving
  • The Peg man (Pegman)
  • Explorer Maps Galleries
  • Explore TAB
  • Local Guide
  • Find Nation Specific Info
  • Choose Your Language

How to create multiple destionations with Route Planner of Google Maps